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Welcome to EquiLife Learning Center

Understanding your body, the systems that make it work, and what fuels or impedes the performance of each of those systems is an essential part of becoming and staying well. 

Each month, we will explore a different wellness topic together, covering everything from foundational nutrition to immunity. Here, you will discover specific choices you can make to help your body perform at peak. We will explore how factors including lifestyle, environment, nutrition and exercise can affect each system. And we will call out common deficiencies that often prevent specific systems from optimal function.

This month we begin our adventure with a focus on Digestion and Gut Health. Our founder, Dr. Cabral, sets the stage for us in this short video, explaining how a healthy gut affects far more than how your belly feels. 

We hope you find this experience helpful and hope you will subscribe to receive new wellness articles from us each week. As always, we are grateful for any suggestions you may have on how we can make this experience or the rest of what we do at EquiLife even better.