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by Bailey Petrucelli October 18, 2022 3 min read

We have all heard that good health starts in the gut. But did you know that an imbalanced gut environment is one of the leading root causes of hormonal imbalances? Understanding this link between gut health and hormones is essential to optimize your health and overcome unpleasant and sometimes even serious symptoms.

Today we're covering how your hormones are affected by your gut — because when you understand what's causing your symptoms, you can take the necessary steps to resolve them naturally.

What Exactly Happens in the Gut?

Besides digestion, your gut plays numerous roles in your overall health. The condition of your gut environment impacts your entire well-being by influencing your nutrient absorption, mental state, skin health, immune system, neurotransmitters and, yes, your hormone levels!

So, how does this happen? Let's take a look at the link between gut health and hormones.

Estrogen and Gut Health

The gut contains a special group of bacteria called your estrobolome, which help metabolize and regulate circulating estrogen in your body. If your gut is imbalanced and doesn't have the bacteria required to carry out these functions, then it can lead to too much or too little estrogen production. If the ratio of estrogen to progesterone becomes imbalanced (excess estrogen in ratio to progesterone) it can manifest as estrogen dominance.

Gut Health and "Happy" Hormones

A research report found that over 95% of serotonin—also known as your "happy" hormone—is produced in your gut. If you can't produce adequate levels of serotonin because of gut imbalances, you may experience noticeable changes in your mood and ability to manage stress effectively. This is because your gut and brain are directly connected through a series of pathways known as the 'gut-brain axis'. If your gut is lacking in essential nutrients and vital bacteria, your mood and emotional well-being can be affected.

Thyroid Levels and Gut Health

Research also explains how poor gut health can lead to lowered production of thyroid hormone. Low levels can weaken your metabolic function and lead to wide range of associated symptoms. If you're experiencing excessive tiredness, brain fog, feeling cold all the time, dry skin, difficulty losing weight or slow bowel transit, ultimately, your gut and an imbalanced thyroid could be the underlying reason why. Rebalancing you hormones and digestive tract can help resolve symptoms and restore your health.

How To Improve Gut Health and Hormones

First, you need to recognize the common signs of an imbalanced gut. Signs of poor gut health and hormone imbalance can include:

  • Low Mood
  • Digestive issues (bloating, loose stools or slow bowel transit)
  • Sleep issues
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Food sensitivities
  • Frequent illness
  • Skin issues

Once you identify any of these signals from your body, rebalancing your gut may help balance your hormones and get you feeling like yourself again. There are also many key diet and lifestyle factors you can incorporate to support your body and overall wellness.

Better Gut Health: Where To Start?

The simplest but most effective steps you can take to support your gut and optimal hormone balance include:

  • Eating a well-balanced, nutrient dense diet of whole organic and colorful foods.

  • Reduce and manage your stress levels

  • Minimize processed foods and moderate your alcohol intake

  • Incorporate relaxing and restorative activities into your weekly routine that activate your "rest and digest" parasympathetic nervous system state

  • Use a specifically formulated protocol designed to rebalance the gut at the deepest level by removing unwanted microbes, slowly restore the gut lining and replenish beneficial microbes

  • Test, don't guess! A simple at-home lab test that looks at specific microbial markers and hormone levels can reveal exactly what's going on inside your body and working alongside a certified Health Coach you will be equipped with a personalized diet, lifestyle and supplement plan to address and support any underlying imbalances and dysfunction appropriately

Gut health and hormones can be a balancing act, but the power to improve your health is in your hands.

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