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Sleep Help Protocol

Sleep Help Protocol

Sleep rejuvenates and restores the body's systems, maintaining everything from hormonal balance to immune health. Without high-quality sleep, we can become stressed, lethargic, and grumpy. Our Sleep Help Protocol is designed to bring the synergistic benefits of our top-selling sleep support products that work together to help you get the rest you deserve.

  • Uses targeted ingredients to promote sleep

  • Powerful botanical and herbal remedies help you to relax

  • Provides neurotransmitter precursors to help induce sleep

  • Functional Medicine ingredients help with muscle relaxation

Stressing About Sleep?

It's night time. You should be sleeping, but instead you find yourself awake, staring at the ceiling, becoming more stressed as every hour passes, counting the remaining hours of darkness, worrying about if you'll have enough energy to tackle tomorrow. Occasional restlessness and poor sleep can ruin your productivity, and even begin to affect your overall health. The Sleep Help Protocol is designed to let you get the rest you deserve. By relaxing muscles as well as inducing calm in the mind, the Sleep Help Protocol is perfect for anyone who could benefit from better rest.

The Science

Our Sleep Help Protocol provides three products that work together to address both physical and mental relaxation. Calming Magnesium powder works to help muscles relax while Liquid Melatonin, the body's natural sleep hormone begins to put the mind at ease. Sleep Help Support provides powerful herbal and botanical ingredients like Valerian root extract and Passionflower which have been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. The neurotransmitter GABA helps block the impulses between nerves, providing a calming effect on the body. Together, these three products work to induce calm, relax the mind, and bring the body into a state of restful sleep.

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Suggested Use

Wellness Supplements Included

Calming Magnesium
Calming Magnesium

Getting good sleep is crucial for balanced health, but a racing mind and unrelaxed body can keep restful sleep at bay. Calming Magnesium is a quick and tasty way to calm your body and mind and get ready for a night of restful sleep.

Melatonin Liquid
Melatonin Liquid

Getting good quality sleep is an extremely important aspect of a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Over time, lack of sleep or loss of high-quality sleep can adversely affect your health. Melatonin Liquid is a convenient way to improve sleep with the hormone melatonin. This liquid formulation allows for quick, easy, and convenient dispensing.

Sleep Help Support
Sleep Help Support

Achieving balanced sleep is critical for balanced health. Poor diet and stress can contribute to poor sleep quality. Sleep Help Support delivers powerful botanicals and functional medicine ingredients that promote relaxation and restful quality sleep, allowing you to get the rest your body deserves.

Calming Magnesium
Calming Magnesium
Calming Magnesium
Melatonin Liquid
Calming Magnesium
Sleep Help Support
Gluten Free
Dairy Free
Soy Free

The EquiLife Advantage

Protocol Reviews

Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
Brittney (Forsyth, GA, US)
Sleep Help Protocol

I ordered this for my husband, he is a terrible sleeper. We have implemented no screen time and a destress to our evening before bedtime with this protocol and he is sleeping so much better! He feels well rested in the morning.

Jeffrey M. (North Brookfield, MA, US)
Makes all the difference!

I realized just how powerful of a protocol this is when I ran out, and my sleep metrics showed the difference. Now that I am back on the protocol, my sleep is amazing, and I wake feeling refreshed and full of life!

Marcie W. (Raleigh, NC, US)

The Sleep help protocol really helps me with being able to relax and drowsy before bed. I’m also falling asleep much more quickly!

fabiola (Frederick, MD, US)
The best

I love this sleep protocol, it has changed my life! I had tried everything with no luck! This really helps me get relaxed and I fall asleep fast. I will continue to buy

Stephanie H. (Green Lane, PA, US)
Great sleep!!

I love the sleep help protocol. I knew I wasn't getting the best sleep but I didn't know what I was missing! I have been sleeping great and would definitely recommend!