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Gluten and Dairy Support Enzyme


Gluten and Dairy Support Enzyme

FREE with orders over $149!

Intolerance and sensitivity to gluten and dairy are some of the most common digestive issues. Many of the highly processed packaged foods we buy at the grocery store contain difficult-to-digest gluten and dairy-based ingredients. There are also times when eating these difficult to digest foods is impossible to avoid. Gluten and Dairy Support Enzyme provides a powerful blend of enzymes that helps your body process and digest challenging foods, reducing GI distress.

  • Improves the digestion, breakdown, and absorption of gluten and dairy

  • Reduces gas, bloating, and stomach distension

  • Supports indigestion by reducing related occasional heartburn or burping

  • Helps to accommodate flex meals, and eating out with food sensitives

The Science

A food intolerance or sensitivity is an adverse food reaction often due to a lack of specific digestive enzymes. These intolerances affect huge portions of the population. Gluten and Dairy Support Enzymes are an easy way to decrease any digestive discomfort from these commonly known hard to digest foods. Taking this formulation of enzymes before a meal will support the body in breaking down the constituent ingredients in the food, easing the digestive process and enchancing nutrient absorption.

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Scientific References

Allergy Friendly
Gluten Free
Nut Free
Dairy Free
Egg Free
Soy Free

The EquiLife Advantage

Product Reviews

Customer Reviews

Based on 96 reviews
Brittney (Atlanta, GA, US)
Works Every Time!

On my 1 weekly flex meal I tend to incorporate something that has gluten or dairy, sometimes both. Since these were very high on my food sensitivity lab this product makes this flex meal a true enjoyment.

Sarah B. (Lincoln, MT, US)

I was very pleasantly surprised with how well this product works!!! I usually think stuff like this is a joke, but I could actually feel a HUGE difference in how my body reacted to gluten and dairy when I took this with them. If you have gluten and dairy issues, I highly recommend taking this product. You will not be disappointed!!

Deborah K. (Crescent City, FL, US)

Gluten and Dairy Support Enzyme

Stacey L. (Lansing, MI, US)
Seems to work

I would never try a whole plate of pasta, but if I cheat a little I don't feel the hours of discomfort I typically get.

Vonnie (Idaho Falls, ID, US)
It is a safety net!

I recently ordered the gluten and dairy support enzyme. I had taken the food sensitivity test and found out I was sensitive to all dairy. Using this enzyme allows me to occasionally partake of foods that I normally can’t without suffering for hours afterwards.